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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Natural Remedy

For many years of my life I have suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). This common problem is an irregularity in bowel movements which cause abdominal pain, bloating, and general stomach discomfort. It also reduces your energy level, increases anxiety, and keeps you fatigued throughout the day. There is no known “cure” for this problem, and doctor-prescribed medication is not the way to handle it. Through my trials and errors in the world of natural health and cures I have found an amazing at home elixir that will help control your Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

The once a day miracle elixir for bowel movement regularity:


  • Ground flax seeds. Buy flax seeds in bulk and grind them in a blender. Then store in an air-tight container.

  • Sliced ginger root.

  • Anise flower. Crushed anise seed would also work, but I choose to use the whole flower dried.

Boil 12 ounces of water in a small pot and then add 1 heaping tablespoon of flax seed, 2 slices of ginger root, and one whole anise flower. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes stirring occasionally. The tea will thicken as it simmers. Strain the liquid into a cup and add a bit of honey or agave nectar to sweeten. The result is a delicious healthy elixir that will help your bowel movements be more regular. Flax seed has a myriad of other benefits such as reduced risk for heart disease, strokes, and cancer. It is also rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids which can help lower blood pressure and reduce depression. Ginger root helps with nausea, morning sickness, and stomach pains. It also destroys cancer cells, and helps rheumatoid arthritis.

So don’t let Irritable Bowel Syndrome control your life. Use this great and simple at home elixir daily to reduce the discomfort and bowel irregularity, and get back your energy and vigor for life.

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